Everyday is unique, however, there is something special about today - February 29th! It only comes around once every four years (or so) and we thought we'd mark the occasion by suggesting some cool things to do to make this and the next February 29th something memorable. The question is, what are you going to do with your free gift?
Perhaps February 29th is best known as the day when all you ladies out there can propose to the man in your life - any maybe you will! I can think of one happily married couple where this is their story, so it's no bad thing. But no matter what you do today, we want to encourage you to do something. Today is a rare gift, it's a chance to change your own and maybe someone else's life. Will you take it?
Here’s our top 5 ideas for February 29th
1. Write yourself a letter that you're not to open until February 29th 2020. Maybe it's a dream you would like to achieve over the next 4 years, or someone you would like to see become a Christian between now and then, or your favourite bible verse. Whatever it is, keep it safe until 2020 - you won't regret it.
2. Do something that scares you – stepping outside our comfort zones isn’t easy, but as Christians the Holy Spirit enables us. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and discipline.” As we step out, our dependence on God grows, and that is always good.
3. Think of an old friend or family member you have lost touch with or would like to be in better contact with this time in 4 years. Drop them a message today to see how they're doing and arrange when to catch up next.
4. Set goals for 2016 – grab a piece of paper and scribble down some dreams you’d like to see become reality before December 31st. You’re far more likely to achieve some, if not all of these, when you’ve done this. If you're feeling particularly brave review your goals and see if there's one or two you can check off today. There's no time like the present to start and it's great to have that sense of achievement!
5. Book your early bird tickets for Summer Madness 2016. Our deadline is at midnight tomorrow night for the cheapest tickets so get a bunch of mates together and register today.