We just wanted to offer you a free download of Rachel Gardner's seminar from SM17. Looking at her latest book 'Love Actually' this is a great seminar from one of our favourite speakers at the festival.
While you're at it did you miss something at SM17? Or perhaps you just want to listen back to your favourite talk?
We're delighted to release all the Mainstage and Seminar content from SM17 for digital download now.
With contributors including Rachel Gardner, Matt Chandler, Judith Camblin, Jasper Rutherford, Madlug, Peter Lynas and many many more we're sure you'll enjoy it over your summer break.
For a limited time only we are offering all of this content for only £10 so get yours now!
Lastly, we would love to invite you to our 30th anniversary celebration concert. It's happening on Saturday 16th September at Shankill Parish Church in Lurgan at 7:30pm. We're delighted that Andy Flanagan, Lisa Kernoghan and Ryan Griffith will be part of our programme on the night alongside many others.
If Summer Madness has impacted your life this is simply a night to come and say thanks to God. We're going to worship together, hear some stories and pray into the next 30 years of Summer Madness.
Tickets are only £10 and all proceeds go towards the continuing ministry of Summer Madness. It would be great to see you there!