
Summer Madness depends on the help of hundreds of volunteers: prayerfully, practically and financially supporting the work.

Setting up a standing order

You can do this directly from your own bank app or online.

Our details are as follows...

Summer Madness No 1 A/C

Sort code: 98-00-30

Account number: 12313083

Swift Code (BIC)  ULSBGB2B

Charity Number  NIC 104975

Making a one-off donation

You can do a direct bank transfer using the same details as per a standing order.  

Or you can pay through our Donation App here

Summer Madness No 1 A/C

Sort code: 98-00-30

Account number: 12313083

Swift Code (BIC)  ULSBGB2B

Prayer backing

We are sure that the fervent prayer of God's people is effective in moving mountains and bringing about the change we seek in and for the world.

You can leave your details here to let us send you regular updates on our prayer needs...


You may be able to offer your time, wisdom and experience - and as an organisation we are always in need of many skills and staffing capacity.

Whether it's a regular weekly input or summer workcamp involvement, we'd love to talk!

Just pop us an email (  or call us and we'll get the kettle on! (02890673379)